From Him, Through Him, To Him

votwm_book As I blogged here, I am reading Voices of the True Woman Movement to review for Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  Today I will discuss chapter 2, “From Him, Through Him, To Him,” by Nancy.

This chapter was fantastic, and my heart is still overflowing from the truths it reveals.  Though it is nothing new to me, I needed to be reminded of many things, and God gave it to me at just the right time!  I marked so many things in my book that I cannot share all of them with you, but I will do my best to highlight the theme. 

This chapter follows well on the heels of John Piper’s introductory chapter entitled The Ultimate Meaning of True Womanhood.  For in chapter two, Nancy describes the ultimate purpose of true womanhood as finding God’s purpose.  She says on page that “everything finds its true meaning and purpose in God’s meaning and purpose.”  How true that is!

The Scriptural basis for this chapter is Romans 11.  The Apostle Paul finishes this chapter by describing the depth of God’s riches, wisdom, and understanding; the unsearchableness of God’s judgements; and the scope of God’s ways (vs.33).  The last verse in chapter 11 says, “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”  This provides the title of Nancy’s chapter, as well as the main points for her discussion of true womanhood.  Nancy refers to this as “a fixed reference point for our hearts.”

Oh the depth…” teaches us that we cannot fathom the scope of God and Who He is.  No matter what is swirling in our lives, or how low we think we have fallen, we can rest assured that the eternal God is still there, and He is unchanged.  “The true woman know that deeper than her own limitations and problems, is the the bedrock of God’s riches, wisdom, and knowledge.”  That is such an amazing statement to me!  Sometimes I feel in despair when I, like Peter on the Sea of Galilee, rest my eyes on the swirling waters and hissing winds, instead of fixing my gaze on Jesus who walks on water.  But even in those times, I can fix my life on the Rock.  He is ever sovereign and ever in control. 

Nancy next looks at the depth of the riches of God.  Let me preface her statement on this subject with a little personal note.  We have recently moved to Brooklyn, NY.  Here the cost of living is much higher and Ben’s paycheck is much smaller.  The ends of our budget do not meet in the middle.  I often try to find the solution to this problem in myself and my own efforts rather than looking to God who has promised to meet our needs.  This statement ministered to my heart.  Nancy said,

“His always-available provision for your needs will neither strain nor drain the budget of the Most High.  Rather, it will continue pouring from His hand into your life, utterly free and fathomless, from His bottomless resources.”

God also has depth of wisdom and knowledge.  He designed a way for sinners to be made righteous at the expense of the life of His Son, and he has wisdom for every situation that we may face.

Another challenge to me was Nancy’s statement on how God’s ways are beyond our ability to understand.  “We simply cannot know all that He is doing or why He does what He does.”  I like to have things planned and know what is coming at me, but I cannot go to God and demand that He explain His Will or why He has allowed certain situations in my life.  He does not answer to me, but He always does what is best for me.  I may not understand now, and maybe not even understand completely in the future (looking back).  But in glory I will be able to see what He did in my life.  Nancy quotes Pastor John Piper,

“In every situation and circumstance of your life, God is always doing a thousand different things that you cannot see and you do not know.”

Nancy discusses the unsearchable and inscrutable ways of God, and how our saintly sisters of the Old and New Testament faced things that they did not understand or over which they had no control, yet they trusted God.  And then Nancy explains that we also stand with Jesus, for whom God’s will meant bearing the cup of suffering and death on the cross of Calvary.  If Jesus, God in the flesh, could submit to the design of God, then I can  submit to God’s design for my life.

Realizing that all things are from Him, through Him, and to Him, lets “true women find a refuge for their hearts. It gives comfort, courage, and conviction in the calling to be a true woman. The response to these truths comes in three areas: 1) A true woman lives a God-centered life, 2) A true woman trusts God, and 3) A true woman says, “Yes, Lord.” 

This was a fantastic chapter, and the price of the book would be worth it just for the wealth of instruction contained in chapter two. 

I know that this has been a long review, that I have shared a lot of quotes.  Nancy stated things so well that I felt it was best to give her words on the topic.  For those of you have read this to the end, I hope that your hearts have been blessed and challenged, as was mine.
