First Farewells

Since we are moving to Brooklyn, we will have many farewells to say.  My first farewell happened yesterday.  It was my final piano lesson with Travis and Jackson Epperson.  They have been awesome students, and I will miss them!

Piano Students, Eppersons

After a year of frustration trying to find a part time job that fit my schedule, personality, and desires, Ben & I decided that I should teach piano lessons.  In January, 2009 I put my name out on Craigslist, and I offered to teach in-home, or in my home (we didn’t have Elaine yet).  Chris and Susannah Epperson were the first to call me.  Susannah watches several children after school, so it was ideal for me to go to their home for lessons.  Jackson and Travis were very respectful and diligent in their practice.  Their parents were involved in lessons, and helped to ensure that practice and homework were completed.  As a teacher, I have discovered that parental support and involvement is vital to successful lessons.

Travis was a challenge for me because we quickly discovered that he plays by ear.  I do not play by ear, and I had to seek advice on how to teach and reinforce reading the music.  Jackson was a challenge for me because he was younger, full of energy, and had a short attention span.  Reading notes on the staff was confusing to him at first, but in recent weeks he has excelled in his flash cards.

I am so grateful that God gave me these two wonderful students as I began my teaching “career.”  I will truly miss them!

Piano Students, Eppersons 
Matthew, Jackson, and Travis.  Matthew will begin lessons with the new teacher.  He also plays by ear!
