He’s One!
Today is Nolan’s birthday. I can’t believe he has been a part of our family for a year already…yet I can’t remember our family without him, either. He was born on Thursday, June 30th at 10:38 a.m. weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and 19.75 inches long. He was a pretty easy going baby from the start, and he hasn’t changed much! six weeks four months four months six months six months – this is my favorite picture of him. His cheeks are rosy from teething! When he was six months old we started calling him “The Nolanator” and the name has stuck…probably because it’s so appropriate! He started eating solid food at four months, crawling at five months, sitting at six months, pulling up to stand at seven months, and walking at nine months. I wasn’t really ready for any of those things…Nolan keeps me on my toes! nine months Nolan is now a bundle of energy & movement, with a lot of noise thrown in fo...