Amazon to the rescue

I did something weird this week.  Okay, so maybe that is not an eye-opening statement.  I don’t exactly fit in the “normal” mold.  But this is something that I never thought I would do.

I purchased toilet paper online.  Doesn’t that just sound crazy? had a great deal.  As an Amazon Mom member, I get free 2-day shipping.  By signing up with Subscribe & Save, I received an additional discount.  So…I got super soft Cottonelle toilet paper for less than $5 for 12 double rolls.


KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAElaine had a great time knocking over my packages! has come to the rescue several times recently.  I prefer Baby Magic lotion (it smells sooooo much better than Johnson’s!), and I can’t find it here in New York City.  I ordered six bottles on Amazon (enough to last through the next baby, I think!) for under $2 a bottle. 

When I couldn’t find canning lids, I got them on Amazon.  Free shipping and great prices…you can’t beat it!

I have been looking at a postal scale to help in my business.  They are pricey at Staples.  On a whim I checked Amazon last night.  Yes…I got my scale for $20 and it will be here tomorrow! 

I always think of as a book seller.  Not anymore – you can find just about anything in their enormous online shop.  Even toilet paper!


  1. I think you really need to put a "like" button on your posts because there are so many times I don't really have anything to say about it but I enjoyed reading! Kenny told me the other day that you can shop Sam's Club online and they will package your order in the store so you can drive by and pick it up. He was very excited about this... so excited I'm thinking I might have to learn to grocery shop online :S


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