Twins: 28-30 Weeks

Twins 28-30 Weeksjpg

I had another appointment today.  I feel like I spend a lot of time at the OB office these days.  The good news is that Baby Boy has turned and is no longer breech.  Everything is still progressing very well with no hints of pre-term labor, at least not yet.  My total weight gain is 34 pounds which is great for twins.  I am very tired and easily worn out.  Sometimes feeding the kids and doing the dishes is all I can manage. I mostly feel uncomfortable – no matter what.  Only 6ish more weeks to go!  Still praying for a minivan.  It is the last thing we need in order to be ready.


  1. Yay for twins!!! I have twins too. I was looking at my old blog, and I saw a comment from you, and found your site. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and the minivan. They are both totally worth it! :-)


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