The Tree that Saves

untitledToday is the 41st Earth Day celebration.  Many people around the country are focusing on this celebration this weekend.  While I believe that we should do our part to be good stewards of this world that was given us, I also understand that when God is finished with this earth nothing we can do will stop Him from destroying it and creating the New Earth.

You see, while most people are focusing today on how to save the trees, as Christians, my family is remembering a Tree that saves.  Today is not only Earth Day, but more importantly it is Good Friday.  Around 2,000 years ago, my Savior Jesus Christ gave His life on a tree called Calvary so that the entire earth might be truly saved by placing their faith in Him. 

I know that it is not really the Tree (His cross) that saves, but rather what He did on the cross that brings salvation.  I am so thankful for my Jesus, and that He was willing to pay the price for my sin, to take my punishment, so that He could save my soul.  The salvation of a soul is far more precious than saving the environment. 

Today Lisa Redick, a missionary to Asia, posted this on her Facebook status: “On that Friday they didn't know about Sunday, but we do! Don't keep it a secret!”

How true that is!  While we can remember this Friday and the death of Christ that purchased our redemption, let us not forget that on Sunday He conquered death with His resurrection from the grave!  Let us spread the Good News that Jesus died and paid for our sins, but let us not forget the better news that He rose from the grave and offers salvation as a free gift to all who will believe.

One of my favorite songs is called The Power of the Cross.  May the words cause you to remember what Christ has done for you as we celebrate this Resurrection weekend!

O, to see the dawn of the darkest day;
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten, then
nailed to a cross of wood.

O, to see the pain written on Your face,
bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Every bitter thought, every evil deed
crowning Your blood-stained brow.

Now the daylight flees; Now the ground beneath
quakes as it’s Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life—
“Finished!” the victory cry.

This the pow’r of the cross: 
Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath;
We stand forgiven at the cross.

O, to see my name written in the wounds,
for through Your suff’ring I am free.
Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live,
won through Your selfless love!

This the pow’r of the cross:
Son of God—slain for us.
What a love, what a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.

Words and music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
