Veggie & Fruit Wash

My mom asked me for this “recipe” recently, so I thought I would share it here on the blog with everyone.  This is a do-it-yourself vegetable & fruit wash.  First is the original recipe, and then the gallon recipe.  (Mom – it’s for you.  No math involved!)  I usually mix it in an old milk jug and keep it under the sink.  When I am washing lettuce I do half veggie wash & half water, but you could also use it full strength or in a spray bottle.

Regular Recipe:
3 cups fil­tered water
3 Tbsp white dis­tilled vine­gar or apple cider vine­gar
2 Tbsp baking soda
Adding a bit of lemon juice or 3-4 drops of grape­fruit seed extract can give it an extra boost!

Mix ingre­di­ents together in a spray bottle. Spray it on fruits and veg­eta­bles. Rinse well with cold water. You may also combine in the sink to dunk your pro­duce if you desire to wash in large batches. This tonic is not rec­om­mended on mush­rooms as they will absorb the flavor.

Gallon Size:
12 cups filtered water
3/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup baking soda
1 Tbsp. lemon juice

I have found it helpful to put the baking soda in before the water (I use a funnel) so that the water washes the baking soda right into the jug.  I also shake it up each time before use.

I found this on a blog just after I was married.  I would love to give credit to the author, but I can’t remember where I found it.  Enjoy!
