Identity Crisis

This poor kid… he will be born and raised in a baseball city.  But he is from a confused baseball family.

Identity Crisis

:: His Grampa is a major Red Sox fan.  (Auntie Mere gave him the Sox pacifier)

:: His Daddy is an Orioles die-hard fan.  (It’s Cal Ripkin Jr.’s fault)

:: He will grow up in “da Bronx”.  (That’s Yankees territory, and you don’t risk being a fan of anyone else.  Lydia – born just 9 days before him, gave him this pacifier clip)

:: His siblings are somehow calling themselves Mets fans (tickets were cheap…what can I say?  They’re gonna get us in trouble!)

:: And Mommy?  She just likes the Broncos and rules that make sense (not like baseball – errors?  Spitefully walking a good hitter or pegging a batter?)
