Christmas Program, Round 2

If you’ve been reading here long, you may remember that at last year’s Christmas Program, Elaine had a major case of the yawns and pretty much refused to sing.  I kind of breathed a sigh of relief that we weren’t going to be around for practice this year, so my kids probably weren’t going to participate in the Christmas program.  But…the kids weren’t quite ready for performance, so the program was bumped to today.  Elaine and Nolan came home from Sunday School quoting a verse and singing a song the last three weeks.  So we decided that they could participate, and Mrs. Bickel kindly agreed.

To prevent a repeat of last year, we tried to practice a lot.  Nolan competes with Elaine a lot these days, so they both knew their parts really well.  We even put them to bed by seven last night so that they couldn’t stand up there and say they were tired!

And yet, I was apprehensive.  Were they going to sing???  Libs is getting a cold and Ben nearly stayed home with the twins.  This made Elaine sad, so he came to church and Libs sat in the service with us.  And guess what?  They did it!  I heard Nolan quoting his verse nice and loud.  I ended up playing the piano again today so I didn’t get to see the kids, but I could hear them.

Here’s a little video of our practice last night, and a couple of pictures of the kids this morning. 

img_7508The song  was “Christmas Bells” and they got to ring a bell for the ‘ding, dong, ding, dong’ part.

Christmas Bells SongMia, Nolan, Selah, Emma, Adelei, Elaine, David
