{Spring-like Saturday} happy sigh!

We have been having gorgeous beautiful weather.  For once I am glad to be in Virginia and not Colorado, where my parents have 6-8 inches of snow!  Here’s what Elaine and I did today (while Daddy was working)

  • Had breakfast
  • Finished a sewing project
  • Watched Beauty and the Beast (Elaine’s first Disney movie)
  • Had lunch
  • Organized the baby clothes
  • Took a nap
  • Practiced the piano
  • Got a package from Grandma Godby – new clothes!
  • Got a new diaper in the mail
  • Took a walk
  • Made supper

Here are some pictures:

Elaine had oatmeal for lunch.  She ate it all!

Very independent – wants to hold the spoon herself.

She resembles…Uncle Wesley!  First we’ll get solids down, then we need to work on manners!  I could have said she eats like Uncle Evan, but I didn’t see him eat at this age.

pict0035 This is only the second time Elaine has been awake and sitting up on one of our walks.  It has been nice and sunny, and very little wind so we have been able to put the hood down on the pram.  She even wore her ball cap today to keep the sun out of her eyes!  The rest of the outfit (from Aunt Pat & Uncle Marty) matches, but it has to be covered by a bib or it won’t survive five minutes!
