New Couch, No New Apartment

We were supposed to move this weekend.  When we went for our walk-through on Monday night, we discovered that the apartment which had been set aside for us was not the correct floor plan.  Apparently there was an error in the computer.  There is not another apartment with our floor plan available until July 10th.  As a concession, the complex is giving us the current sale price for rent, and a first floor apartment with a private entrance and patio. 


So…it will be nice.  However, everything was lined up for moving this weekend – the new couch delivered, Ben got the day off, friends to help us, a lease to expire in May 2010 when we are ready to move again (hopefully to an assistant pastor position).


We still had to pick up the couch today because it was already scheduled.  We were ready to get rid of the old one anyway.  We just didn’t want to put the new couch in the old apartment if we’re moving soon.  


Here are some pics:

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The new couch – bigger than the old one, bonded leather, and no sleeper bed.


Our second Home 

This is our new apartment.  Our door is the one peeking out from behind the bush.  Our patio is behind the bush – nice and private.  Our house extends the length of the building to the left.  We will have a washer & dryer, a baby room, and a couple of extra closets.


Our second Home (1)
