Catching Up

I’ve been absent here for a little while…sorry.  We made a fast trip to Brooklyn on Friday night to view an apartment. Elaine 21 Weeks Shape Sorter Helmet

Wordless Wednesday Game
On Wednesday I asked you to guess what Elaine had on her head in the pictures.  I never posted the answer.  It is the top to her shape sorter that Grandma Godby purchased.  Denise Sweede guessed on Facebook, and got it right!  Here’s a picture…


I am 99% sure we are going to take it, but Ben has one other thing to check on first.  I will post pictures and a video once we know for sure.

This apartment is both an answer to prayer and a rebuke to my faith (or lack of it).  I have been praying specifically for a wash machine, though I know it is a rare find in NYC.  We use cloth diapers, and while it is possible to do them at the laundry mat, it would be very expensive because of the frequent washings.  I was looking into a portable washing machine when people told me I was crazy to hope for one in the apartment.  So I still prayed, but I resigned to not having a washer, and I was okay with that.  Not only is this apartment a great price, a large size, and offered by a Christian family, but it also has a full size washing machine and a clothesline right out the window.  The landlord was going to remove the washer but decided to leave it because it “might be a blessing to someone”.  I think that someone might be me, and I just can’t believe God answered my prayer (though He has done it many times before and I shouldn’t be surprised at His goodness and expressions of love to His children).

Clearing out the Clutter
Now that we have viewed a view Brooklyn apartments, I have a PICT0009 better idea of space and storage…or rather the non-existence of them!  I am motivated to clean out even more non-essentials from our home, and I can’t wait to have a garage sale.  I am looking forward to getting creatively organized in a place where closets don’t exist and storage space is limited.  First thing I cleaned out…all of those sermon tapes we have been saving.  We don’t even have a cassette player anymore!  We saved a half dozen favorites, and let the rest go!  Next step…under the bed, and crafting supplies!
