Recently I have come across a couple of really good articles, and I wanted to share them with you here. :: How Should Christians Comment Online? I do not regularly read Desiring God , but this link was shared in my Bible Study group as we studied James 3 and the destructive power of the tongue. I found this article to be very succint and well stated, especially regarding some "pet peeves" I often encounter when surfing social media. The author of the article gives some guidelines for how often and how quickly we should respond to someone else online, as well as some guidelines for the content of our comments. It bothers me greatly when professing Christians "like", comment on, and share items which have crass, vulgar language or cursing on it. If you have to qualify your share with "please excuse the language" then you probably shouldn't be sharing it! I also try to be careful to look at the name of the page or group from which the p...