Schunnemunk Mountain

Ever since we have been living in this tiny town of Mountainville, NY, a lot of people pull down our driveway looking for the state park.  Schunnemunk State Park.  It’s actually the mountain behind our house (and there is I-87 between us and the mountain), but a lot of GPS have the coordinates wrong.  We decided we should check it out before moving back to the city.  We had a nice day and the kids were itching to get out and move, so we took a hike down the trail in Schunnemunk Mountain State Park


It was mostly cow pasture and field that we walked through that day, but we found a great clearing for kite flying.  We came back a couple of days later for a picnic and kite flying day off of school, and then we hiked farther up the trail and crossed the train tracks.

Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day   Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day
Selfie with Henry during lunch :: These two!  Their imagination!  They were riding a horse together, and Nehemiah kept falling off the back!

Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day
Let’s Go Fly a Kite!

Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day

Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day
Amtrak and I think NJ Transit or Metro North use this track

Schunemunk Mountain Picnic Day
The kids enjoyed shooting their stick guns from behind one of the old stone walls on the trail.
