Everyone SHOULD Celebrate Mother’s Day
I’ve noticed a trend around the blogosphere the last few years on Mother’s Day. Everyone starts posting about why we should “tone down” our Mother’s Day celebration and be uber sensitive to those for whom Mother’s Day is a painful reminder instead of a joyful day. It includes those who may struggle with infertility, who have had a miscarriage, whose own mother has passed away, or those who are still waiting for Mr. Right to come along so they can begin a family.
I certainly understand that we should be sensitive of the pain experienced by the ladies in these situations. We are supposed to bear the burdens of others (Gal. 6:2), to comfort the feebleminded (fainting), and to support the weak (1 Thess. 5:14). Ecclesiastes 3:4 reminds us that there is a time to weep, and a time to mourn. Romans 12:15 teaches us to weep with those who weep. However, the pain of some does not negate the rejoicing of others. Both Ecclesiastes and Romans tell us this – continuing the verses mentioned above with “there is a time to laugh… and a time to dance”, and that we should “rejoice with those who rejoice.”
Now, I have been blessed with five children. (In six years, no less). I do understand that this is a great blessing! I do not personally experience painful emotions on Mother’s Day. But I do know this personally – being a mom is hard work. Tiring work. Exhausting work. And once in a while, it’s really nice to be appreciated for all that I do for my kids. Most of the time I don’t grumble about folding the laundry or washing the dishes, changing diapers, and wearing spit-up. I do these things because I love my family. Because it is my God-assigned role. But sometimes its nice to be noticed for the sacrifice.
The blog posts on the topic of considering the childless women on Mother’s Day usually say something like, “Don’t make the mother’s stand in church.” Or “realize that everyone can be a spiritual mother”. Or they bemoan the fact that they have to stay home from church on Mother’s Day to avoid the painful reminder.
My question is this: why can’t we celebrate mothers? Every person on this earth has a mother, and if you survived to adulthood you need to thank your mother for her hard work. She wasn’t perfect. She may not have even been a good mom. But she was your mom, and you should applaud her. And chances are you have friends who are mothers, and you can rejoice with them on this day, their special day, when we celebrate their motherhood. You can rejoice with them, even if you aren’t able to celebrate your own motherhood.
When Veteran’s Day comes each year, I don’t stay home from church because I don’t get to stand up and be recognized for my service in the Armed Forces. On your birthday, I don’t refuse to be happy for you as we celebrate another year of your life, just because I am not being recognized and celebrated too. That would be incredibly self-centered! So why do we think Mother’s Day should be different?
I recognize that this could be a hard day for many women. I personally know ladies who have walked through the roads of infertility, difficulty getting pregnant, miscarriage, infant loss, and long-awaited adoption. My heart has hurt for them and my eyes have wept with them as they bear the pain of these difficult circumstances. Bearing children is a “rite of passage” in many respects. But if God has so ordained that some have children and others do not {yet}, should we question His choices, or accept His sovereignty? Should we refuse to be thankful that He has blessed others with children, and that they are doing a fabulous job in their mothering role? Or can we rejoice in their example and recognize their hard work?
So today, on Mother’s Day, I want to rejoice with those who rejoice. I want to clap my hands and shout “Great job!” “You can do it!” “Don’t give up! You’re making a difference!”
To my mom, I don’t know how you did it all! As I mother my own children I am more and more amazed and all you accomplished and all you taught us, and that you didn’t die in the process! As I shepherd my strong-willed children, I wonder that you didn’t give up on me because I was that difficult too. I faint when I think that you homeschooled three children from K5 to high school graduation. {I faint because I am weary and I only homeschool one kid!} Thanks Mom!
To my mother-in-law, I am blessed by your hard mothering work everyday of my life. You raised a fabulous son who leads and provides for our family, and walks with God. He learned that at your feet, and I am eternally grateful that he had a godly mother. And you continue to be a blessing to us – through your selfless giving, watching the kids, and coming to help when I had a baby.
To all of my “mommy friends”, but especially Diane, Sherry, and Jenilyn – you have encouraged me to keep going when it was hard. You have prayed with me and for me. You have given me encouragement, wisdom, and creative ideas. Thank you for walking the Mommy Road along with me!
Celebrate all the mothers today. Applaud them. Recognize them. It’s one day when they get pampered and spoiled for the other mundane 364 days of the year.
Happy Mother’s Day!
I read this on the way to church Sunday morning and you gave me teary eyes! Thank you for the kind words! You are doing a great job mothering your young brood! As Grandparents, Dad and I are so blessed by your efforts!! We often laugh because the girl who did not like to babysit, has five kiddos of her own! These are busy and demanding years and you are doing a fantastic job...persevere with joy!! I love you!