Thankful Thursday–18 months of Mommy-hood

Today marks 18 months since Elaine joined our family on November 5, 2009.  Sometimes it feels like she has been part of the family forever, and other times I think, “Has it really been that long?”  I think that this is a challenging age – she is so much fun, but so strong-willed at the same time! Here are some of the fun things about Elaine right now…


She is finally starting to talk…sort of!  Daddy doesn’t get it quite as well, but when you’re with her 24/7, you can start to understand her noises and what she means by them.  Current words are “dah” for dog, “mo” for more, and “ca” can mean car, cat, or cup…whatever is around at the moment.  She also has “no” down pretty pat, and nods her head for “yes.”  She also utilizes a lot of pointing and taking me to what she wants in order to get her point across.  We are still working on “please.”

Elaine is definitely very aware of anything “dog” around her.  She will not get close to them – I think it’s because both sets of grandparents have a dog that barks.  But if she sees one on the street, hears one through the window, finds a picture in her book, or even the screen printed dog on her pajamas, she gets very excited and pulls out her “dah” word.

Elaine washing dishes with mommyElaine loves to be just like me, and that is something that I really love too!  If I am washing dishes, she wants to help.  If I am hanging laundry, she tries very hard to make the clothespins work so she can help.  If I am dusting, she gets a duster and is assigned the lower shelves (though I have to do them myself when she’s not looking).  If I’m reading my Bible, she wants to read too.  If I’m practicing the piano, she wants to sit on the bench with a music book also.  Having a toddler makes you very conscious of everything that you do, because there is always someone watching!Elaine with clothespins in hair

We like to go outside and get a break from the apartment.  The weather has been very cooperative lately.  Even if it’s just a walk down the block to the corner market, Elaine loves it.  Our indicator that we are going outside is “go get your shoes and coat.”  She used to go and find a pair of her shoes.  Now she brings me a pair of my shoes from my closet first. 

Elaine and DaddyPlaytime with Daddy is a special and fun time for Elaine.  He makes noises and can move a little faster than Mommy can these days!  Elaine loves to play peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek, and chase Daddy.  They usually end up rolling on the floor.  I love to watch it.

Some funny moments from recent times include:

  • Elaine thinks I take too long in the shower.  Inevitably the curtain will suddenly open and she is waiting with my towel in hand.  A couple of times she has just chucked it into the tub to be soaked if I don’t catch it in time.
  • Elaine likes to try and drink the milk out of her cereal bowl once the cereal is gone.  One time she missed…it was all over her PJs and the chair and the floor.  Elaine’s comment on the situation?  “Uh-oh.”Elaine and Mommy
  • Elaine has a pretty good sized library for a little girl.  But what are her favorite books?  The three I bought in the dollar bin at Target when I was convinced she was a boy – Emergency Vehicles, Farm Equipment, and Cars & Trucks.  Ben reads them with sound effects, and when Elaine reads them to herself she tries to make the sounds too.
  • Elaine is fascinated with bubbles – whether in the bathtub or the kitchen sink.  When she “helps” me wash dishes, I feel l say one of these every two seconds: “Don’t drink the water,” Don’t eat the bubbles,” or “Don’t put the rag in your mouth.”
  • Grandma Godby sent Elaine the Noah’s Ark for bath time.  This particular toy is made by Tupperware, and it was around when Kenny, Wes, and I were kids.  Noah and his wife have hollow, round bodies.  Elaine uses them as cups to get a drink during bath time.  (We do try to discourage it…).  She also “drives” the boat around the bathtub making engine noises…Daddy taught her that!
  • One time when we were working in the kitchen, Elaine discovered the microwave.  She took a pear from the fruit bowl on top, took a bite, and then put it in the microwave.  I discovered it the next day when I went to heat my coffee…there was the pear, along with one of her toys.Elaine discovers the microwave

That’s my Elaine…18 months old.  So glad that God gave you to me, Little Girl!

