This year I moved away from the Homemaker's Friend planner to try something new. I really like the layout of the Homemaker's Friend, and I LOVE the Scriptures on each weekly spread and tabbed divider. But, I felt like the cover stock was a little too thin and I just wore it out far before the year was done. I also did not use several of the sections at the back on a regular basis. I tried having the coil removed and punching the pages to put in a binder, but I lost too much of the edge in doing so. A friend had been posting about Bullet Journaling on her blog, so I decided to give it a try! I really like it! I purchased a Moleskin hardbound journal with grid lines inside, and each week I hand draw my planner spread. I now follow several "bujo" (bullet journal) idea pages on Instagram, and I have incorporated several of their items into my own bujo planner. However, for me the bullet journal is not an art book or a mood tracker....