How to Draw Lessons

Elaine has been very interested in art for a while, but I am not the one to teach her this subject!  After she drew a…well…quite an awful version of a horse, we decided to find some help and encourage her budding artistry.  I found a YouTube channel called Art for Kids Hub, and in each video a kid draws the picture along with the teacher.  Since I have some perfectionistic kids, this helped them see that their picture doesn’t have to be exactly like the teacher!

Here are some recent samples of Elaine and Nolan’s drawings!  (a 1,000% improvement!)

Elaine's Card for Grams   Elaine's Drawings
Butterfly on a tulip, and a cartoon T-rex (Elaine)

Nolan's T-Rex   Elaine's Drawings
Nolan’s Cartoon T-Rex, and Elaine’s Poppies

Elaine's first How to Draw Picture   Elaine's first How to Draw Picture
Elaine’s first great looking horse – pencil, and colored

Elaine's Sampler
A “sampler” she made for Meredith’s birthday
