The Most Wonderful Time of the Year…

Usually Christmas is exactly that for me.  Snow.  Hot chocolate.  Twinkle lights.  Tissue-paper-wrapped packages.  Gingerbread lattes.  Fresh cut Christmas tree.  This year, however, things were much different for us! 

We were on the road since the day after Thanksgiving.  Everything of ours…all of our traditions, were in storage.  We had one Christmas celebration in Florida on Dec. 14th with Kenny & Becky.  No offense to Floridians, but doing a winter holiday in a hot state is about as un-Christmas as it gets in my mind! 

Then we drove five days to get to Denver and arrived in freezing snowy weather.  Opposite ends of the spectrum!  Mom & Dad had just moved, and then had the trip to Florida, so when we arrived the kids got the pleasure of decorating Grandma’s tree.

Decorating the Christmas Tree
They got a little ahead of Grandma and helped themselves to the box…

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating Grandma's Tree

Decorating Grandma's Tree

Decorating Grandma's Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree
…and we got a little bototm heavy on the front of the tree!

Decorating Grandma's Tree
But I think it looked great and they had a good time!

Christmas Eve 2015

On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a lovely and well-done, Christ-honoring service at Red Rocks Baptist Church.  Then we came back for Christmas with my mom’s side of the family.  It was a smaller gathering than when I was a little girl!  I guess thats what happens when everyone grows up and moves away.

Christmas Eve 2015
Nehemiah enjoyed trading hats with everyone.  Of course, he IS a Broncos fan!

Christmas Eve 2015
Uncle Wes and Nehemiah

Christmas Eve 2015
Me & my cuties

Christmas Eve 2015
My three sons

Christmas Eve 2015
Great-grandma meets Hennry – great-grand #15!

Christmas Eve 2015
My kids and my heritage
