Israel Pictures, Take 2

Day 2: February 25, 2009, Wednesday - Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee; Capernaum; Ancient City of Dan in National Park; Caesarea Philippi; Golan Heights to watch the sun set from an Israeli outpost.

The view of the Golan Heights from the sea of Galilee

The Cliffs of Alabel where Jewish zealots hid to avoid capture and death at the hands of the Romans

Siblings on the Sea of Galilee - Ben, Evan, Andrea, Meredith

The whole fam - Evan, Sissy/Mom, Meredith, Ben, Andrea, Jim/Dad on the Sea of Galilee Boat

The view of the Sea of Galilee from the Mt. of Beatitudes. The yellow flowers are mustard.

The original walls surrounding the City of Dan, which has been excavated.

This is the place where the king would have sat when he met with the elders and men of the city, in the city gate, or to pass judgment.

The snowy peak in the background is Mt. Hermon. It was completely covered in snow during our visit.

At the end of the day we drove to the top of one of the mountains in the Golan Heights to watch the sun set. There had been an Israeli outpost at this location (it overlooks the Syrian border). On the top of the hill there was a sign that points out the direction of many major cities around the world. Here I am under the Washington, D.C. sign - only 11,800 km away!

A spectacular sunset over the Golan Heights in Galilee!


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