Our Thanksgiving

We enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner around 3 pm on Thursday. I had prepared the mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, an apple pie, and a chocolate pumpkin cheesecake ahead of time on Wednesday. It was a good thing--there was already a lack of space in my tiny kitchen! We also feasted on stuffed turkey (a Hamilton stuffing recipe - very good), scalloped corn, rolls, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce. I was grateful that Dad Hamilton was around to help with the turkey - it was my *first* time to do this! We pulled the turkey out with wonderful timing - it was moist, but completely done. Not bad for the first time!
After dinner we played Monopoly. I should tell you that when I joined this family I was warned that Ben was the *Monopoly King*. "He never loses," they said. Well, the first time I played Ben I won. The first time we played the Hamilton family - Mom won. This time Dad won. He has a thing for Marvin Gardens. {I don't understand it, or I would explain it}. It was the pinnacle of success for Dad to win by building hotels on his Marvin Gardens suite, and then expelling us one by one from the game. {He claims he needs never play again as his victory is sweet and complete}. Note: I'm losing faith in Ben's record. I guess that's what happens when you get married. You start to lose at Monopoly. *tsk-tsk*
On Friday Ben had to work {sigh} while I joined the Hamiltons for lunch at Kevin & Michelle Brown's home in Suffolk. The Browns usually visit the Hamiltons' church in Pittsfield when they are visiting their family in New England. Then we hit the thrift stores hard!
Supper on Friday was a treat - something I had never thought of putting together. I don't care for Thanksgiving leftovers, but this creation, another Hamilton tradition, made it enjoyable. Basically it is a grilled turkey sandwich - with cheese, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. It was wonderful!
Saturday was Evan's 21st birthday. We had breakfast and then went shopping. We found some more steals at a different thrift store, and Evan was able to find a winter coat that he liked at Dick's Sporting Goods. Then we had antelope steaks for dinner (compliments of my dad) and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We wrapped up the evening with a round of Last Word and Rook.
It was a great visit. Now we just need some snow in Denver for Christmas to wrap up our holiday season...

Ben learns how to cut the turkey from Dad.
Our Thanksgiving Feast
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