Who Does Henry Look Like?
As I’ve been looking at Henry these last couple of weeks I keep having flash backs to when Elaine was this age. So many times I look at him and I see baby Elaine! But then some people say he looks like Nolan or Nehemiah. So here are some fun comparison pictures…
Newborn Pics of the Kiddos:
Name that Baby! In all of the below sets, Elaine is on the left and Henry is on the right.
These two are definitely my “tongue babies” – it’s always sticking out there!
The Kids at ~3 Months Old
At this age Henry seems to favor the Godby side (Nolan and Liberty), I think. Unless I compare him to Elaine. He always reminds me of Elaine (but I think she favors the Hamilton side).
I guess the only thing to say is…
Henry is a Hamilton! He definitely looks like he belongs in our family!
I think he looks more like Elaine than any of the others. I always did. But, he will grow and change--already has--and he may surprise us. Cute, definitely! I think he might look like his daddy when he grows up. :o) Enjoyed the pictures!