Thankful Thursday

Today I’m looking forward to what I am sure I will be thankful for in a couple of days…

What do these things have in common?

A lot of luggage…

New Pink Sunglasses

I need a pedicure…

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My mom’s chalkboard?

Yup!  We are headed to Florida!  This trip doubles as a deputation meeting and family reunion/vacation!  We are meeting my parents, brother Wesley, and Grams at my brother Kenny’s house in South Florida.  After a deputation meeting at Kenny’s church, we are headed to the Florida Keys for a couple of days.  Right now (Wednesday night), I am just exhausted and not sure I have everything packed.  Right now I am dreading three days in the car with four energetic kiddos.  But in a few days I will be grateful for a visit with my best friend, safe travels (pray for us please), a twin birthday celebration, warm weather, escaping the street paving in our neighborhood, and seeing my family again.


  1. Having so much fun watching your twins growing up--and Elaine and Nolan, too! I feel like the old "auntie" who enjoys them from afar. So adorable and fun, and almost the same age as David's little guy. :o) I love watching you go on deputation. It's an adventure! Oh, and yes, you and I both need a pedicure! :o)


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