Pretty in Plaid

When I was pregnant I would stop by the thrift store and consignment store to see if there were any great deals on baby clothes.  I tried not to buy too much since we didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl.  But there was one little dress that I just couldn’t resist.  Elaine is finally able to fit into it.  Since we were both wearing plaid today, we took some pictures before church.  You probably think I take too many pictures.  Ben has already pointed out that she will likely be the most photographed child we have.  But pictures are my thing, and I have to have something to post on this blog, right?

Elaine 13 Weeks plaid jumperYou can’t tell, but she her little tights are cable tights that someone gave me.  They are so cute!

Elaine 13 Weeks plaid jumper

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think I see Godby in Elaine in this picture.  There’s just something there…but I’ve never been good at knowing who a baby looks like!  No doubt about this though, she has Grandpa Godby’s lungs!

Elaine 13 Weeks plaid jumper So many facial expressions!

Elaine 13 Weeks plaid jumperThis reminds me of a picture that I’ve seen of myself as a baby, but I can’t remember which one.  Any insight Mom?

Elaine 13 Weeks plaid jumperOkay.  Picture time is over.  Notice the drool all over the front of her dress?  That was just from a couple of minutes.  I am soooooo grateful for bibs!  I think she might be starting to teethe.  She has started rejecting the paci (sometimes) in favor of her two fingers – the same two fingers I used to suck.  But she sticks them very far into her mouth and nearly gags herself.  And she drools.  And drools.  And drools.  And she’s a little cranky.  We’ll see – I’ve read that they can get symptoms a month before they cut teeth.  Maybe I’m just over-reacting.  (I’m new at this mommy thing you know).
