Pretty in Plaid
When I was pregnant I would stop by the thrift store and consignment store to see if there were any great deals on baby clothes. I tried not to buy too much since we didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl. But there was one little dress that I just couldn’t resist. Elaine is finally able to fit into it. Since we were both wearing plaid today, we took some pictures before church. You probably think I take too many pictures. Ben has already pointed out that she will likely be the most photographed child we have. But pictures are my thing, and I have to have something to post on this blog, right?
You can’t tell, but she her little tights are cable tights that someone gave me. They are so cute!
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think I see Godby in Elaine in this picture. There’s just something there…but I’ve never been good at knowing who a baby looks like! No doubt about this though, she has Grandpa Godby’s lungs!
This reminds me of a picture that I’ve seen of myself as a baby, but I can’t remember which one. Any insight Mom?
Okay. Picture time is over. Notice the drool all over the front of her dress? That was just from a couple of minutes. I am soooooo grateful for bibs! I think she might be starting to teethe. She has started rejecting the paci (sometimes) in favor of her two fingers – the same two fingers I used to suck. But she sticks them very far into her mouth and nearly gags herself. And she drools. And drools. And drools. And she’s a little cranky. We’ll see – I’ve read that they can get symptoms a month before they cut teeth. Maybe I’m just over-reacting. (I’m new at this mommy thing you know).
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