My Girl is Growing!

Last week at the doctor Elaine weighed in at 11 pounds 1 ounce.  She is almost out of all of her 0-3 month clothing.  She is sleeping through the night…most of the time!  She loves to stand on her own legs and have Mommy or Daddy’s undivided attention.  And we do mean undivided!  Now she is Skyping Grandma & Grampa Hamilton, and reading her own mail! Take a peek…

My Valentine card from Grandma Godby.  Just by chance…her bib says “Grandma Loves Me”

Oops.  You didn’t see that Grandma.  She’s not bending your beautiful homemade card!

I think she must be praying or something. 

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Sitting at the table while Mommy has breakfast…Mommy gave me a rattle because I was bored and letting her know it.

Love that smile!!!
