You Have One Vote
Today is election day. I am serving as an election official for the City of Virginia Beach. My slumber ended at approximately 4 am, so that I could arrive at the polls at 5 am. In Virginia the polls are open from 6 am - 7 pm. The city has hired 1500 + citizens to man the polls this election. In past years Virginia Beach has only hired around 800 officials for a general election. We are expecting a huge turnout and extremely long lines all day long. The Voter Registrar warned that we may have 200 people in line waiting to vote when the polls close at 7 pm.
***Translation: The polls may close at 7 pm, but I don't expect to leave before 10 pm. That works out to a 17 hour day! If we are done at 10 pm.
So go out and vote today. It is only one vote, but that one vote counts. Help save America from socialism, increased taxes, and defeat and surrender in Iraq.
I'll be back tomorrow to let you know the results of my day at the polls!
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