These are a few of my favorite things…


I don’t always feel it in each moment on my mommyhood journey, but these kiddos are right at the top of my “favorite things” list.  Henry is a constant terror these days, but the others are growing up fast and becoming more independent, and even more helpful around the house on most days.

After my hubs and my kids, here are some more favorites.

/// Blogs ///

I love the Every Bitter Thing is Sweet Blog by Sara Hagerty, and I can’t wait for her new book to be released in August.  These three recent articles have challenged and blessed me:

Club 31 Women is another favorite with a smattering of articles on a wide range of subjects.  I don’t agree with her position of “separation” on everything, but most articles are very good!  (She has a lot of contributors, so some writers I have learned to just not read).

/// Chatbooks ///

I’m still in love with my Chatbooks subscription and it has given me a shelf full of scrapbooks of our daily life from the last four years with no more effort that pushing “share” on my Instagram posts.  Automatic shipping and billing and a flat fee of $8 a book is a no-brainer!

/// Kid Safe Essential Oils ///

I do not think EO’s are the solution to every ailment, but I do have several applications for them.  I always check out the Learning About Essential Oils website and the Using Essential Oils Safely facebook page, as I believe many people use and apply EO’s incorrectly (especially as regards children).  I bought the “Ban the Bugs” bug repellent blend which is made of only child safe oils.  I diluted it with Witch Hazel Hydrosol and water, and added Geranium Egyptian for ticks.  (Interesting…Ben confirmed this addition when he said the ancient Egyptians used to place Geraniums as pest control).

We have a plethora of ticks on the property where we are living, and even when my kids don’t go in the grass, they come inside with ticks on them.  We used this blend and playing IN the grass and had no ticks!  Also, Nehemiah is allergic to bug bites, so we use a lot of bug spray.  I don’t care for the smell of most store-bought sprays, but I can tolerate the sweet smell of essential oils!  Next time I am going to make my own blend using Lea’s Bug Off! Tick Off! recipe and try that for effectiveness.  I also love the Bug Bite Soother in a roller bottle as an itch relief application.

/// Coffee ///

I have taken to drinking half-caff coffee (so that I can drink more cups during the day…sometimes this is true!), but I really like buying plain coffee and sprinkling a little bit of cinnamon and nutmeg over the grounds before I brew it.  Makes for a delicious flavor!
