Yellowstone Day 4: Midway Geiser Basin and Firehole River
Our fourth day at Yellowstone was a take-it-easy day. We had seen everything on our list, enjoyed some hiking (thanks to the RV rental we were able to spend more time in the park and less time commuting to a hotel. We asked the kids what they wanted to do, and we just had a leisurely day!
Elaine wanted to see some of the geysers which we had passed on previous days. While on our way to one of the geyser areas, we got stuck in a line of traffic. Someone coming from the other direction said it was shut down up ahead and a 2 hour delay. Later we found out that a car tried to pass and hit an RV or motor home head on. The two people in the car were “messed up” and had to be transported elsewhere for medical care. We turned around and went to a different geyser basin, and had a picnic next to the Firehole River!
I think the geysers are mostly a little boring, and have a very bad odor. But I was pleasantly surprised with this section. The colors were amazing, and my pictures don’t do justice!
Grand Prismatic Geyser. The colors were so intense!
We took a short jaunt down the trail near the Firehole Falls. The drive along this scenic route was…well..scenic! It was beautiful!
The kids enjoyed sticking their feet in the Firehole River, which soon led to someone’s pant legs getting wet, and then sitting in the water, and eventually we put their swimming clothes on and let them enjoy it! There must be some great minerals in the river, because Liberty had a large boo-boo which was nearly gone when she got out of the river!
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