Thankful Thursday

My future sister-in-law, Becky, is a new blogger.  She has started a weekly feature called “Thankful Thursday.”  My mom picked up the theme last week, starting on Thanksgiving.  I figured I would make it a family affair and join the meme! 

Today I am thankful for naptimes.  I am thankful that Elaine still takes two good naps a day (at least an hour and a half, morning and afternoon).  I have been more and more tired with this pregnancy, and I am trying to “take it easy.”  You know – sometimes there are dirty dishes in my sink, and laundry piled up, and toys all over the floor.  Regardless of the state of my house I have been attempting to take an afternoon nap with Elaine.  And it is wonderful!

It’s a little blurry, but I thought I would share a picture of our very first naptime together!

Elaine Day 1
