The Brooklyn Bridge

After graduating from college we spent three days and two nights in New York City on a vacation with my family. We were not able to see the Brooklyn Bridge on that visit. Ben and I stopped for a night in NYC on our return trip from the Meader wedding. We arrived in the afternoon and checked into our bed & breakfast (which turned out to be very good, considering it was going out a limb when we reserved it). The rain had cleared temporarily but was still threatening. We put on our sneakers and caught the subway from Queens to the Brooklyn Bridge.
As we began walking the rain drizzled a little bit. It was dark so the bridge was lit and beautiful. When you put it all together - NYC, a walk with my husband, the light rain, the lights, and the kiss (did I mention I got a kiss in the middle of the bridge?) - it was very romantic and enjoyable.
Once on the Manhattan side we went to Times Square and enjoyed people watching. We also got matching "I *heart* NY" T-shirts. I have wanted one of the those shirts for some time. Then we headed back to Queens for some pizza and a video. The pizza was really good - probably because it was one of those "cash only" kind of places. Maybe the Mafia runs it or something. Anyway, it was good pizza. It was even good cold and squished the next day in the car on the way home.
Just a funny note to make you smile. Since the rain was imminent we brought our umbrella along. When I bought the umbrella (one of those nice big ones that doesn't break on the second use) I brought home a nice plain, sensible, boring navy blue one -- to please my husband. Unbeknownst to me, Ben has a fetish for brightly colored rainbow umbrellas. So we exchanged the sensible one for the happy one. It's fine in Virginia Beach, but it doesn't go over so great on the subways in NYC - especially since Ben was the one carrying it! Several people looked at us and snickered. So...when God takes us to NYC we will go buy that sensible, blue umbrella again and leave the gayly colored one behind!
Andrea on the Brooklyn Bridge
Ben on the Brooklyn Bridge
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