New Visualized Hymns: The Bible Stands and My Jesus I Love Thee

In April we learned "The Bible Stands" as our hymn in morning time. The kids really got into this one, I think because it is a peppy, upbeat tune. Though Elaine did say, "Wow, I'm really out of breath after this song!" I wanted to make it a song that the kids could color in the visuals, but I couldn't find the right pictures for each page. So some pictures are black and white clipart, and others are full color photos. Late in the month, our Thursday night Bible study was about the surety of the Bible. Ben chose this song to sing, and my kids were excited to know the song already! This month we are learning a slower song, "My Jesus, I Love Thee." It's a nice change after last month! Again, the pictures are designed to be colored by you or your kiddos. While one verse focuses on death, the next verse speaks of eternity in heaven praising our Jesus for His love. This has been a good lesson to teach my kids! ...